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Sequential Logic Circuits


Sequential Logic Circuits

In sequential logic circuit, the output is dependent upon the present inputs as well as the past inputs and outputs.
Description: seq_block
Sequential circuit is of two types.
  • Synchronous Sequential Circuit: Change in input signals can affect memory elements only upon activation of clock signals.
  • Asynchronous Sequential Circuit: Change in input signals can affect memory elements at any instant of time. These are faster than synchronous circuit.

Flip Flops:

  • It is a one-bit memory cell which stores the 1-bit logical data (logic 0 or logic 1).
  • It is a basic memory element.
  • The most commonly used application of flip flops is in the implementation of a feedback circuit.
  • As a memory relies on the feedback concept, flip flops can be used to design it.
  • In synchronous sequential circuit, Memory elements are clocked flip flops and generally edge triggered.
  • In asynchronous sequential circuit, Memory elements are unclocked flip flops / time delay elements which are generally level triggered.
  • Flip flop circuit is also known as bistable multivibrator or latch because it has two stable states (1 state, 0 state).

There are mainly four types of flip flops that are used in electronic circuits.
  • S-R Flip Flop (Basic Flip Flop)
  • Delay Flip Flop (D Flip Flop)
  • J-K Flip Flop
  • T Flip Flop

Basic SR Flip Flop:

  • The Set-Reset (SR) flip flop is designed with the help of two NOR gates or two NAND gates.
  • SR Flip Flop is also called as SR latch.

SR Latch Implementation Using NAND Gates

Logic diagram of SR latch using NAND gates

Truth Table of Logic Diagram

SR Latch Using NOR Gates:

Clocked SR Flip Flop Implementation using NAND Gates

It is also called a Gated S-R flip flop.

The problem with S-R flip flops using NOR and NAND gate is the invalid state. This problem can be overcome by using a bistable SR flip-flop that can change outputs when certain invalid states are met, regardless of the condition of either the Set or the Reset inputs.
  • SR Flip Flop Using NOR Gates:
Logic diagram of SR flip flop using NOR gates

  • Truth Table of SR Flip Flop
With both S=1 and R=1, the occurrence of a clock pulse causes both outputs to momentarily go to 0. When the pulse is removed, the state of the flip-flop is indeterminate, depending on whether the set or reset input of the flip-flop remains a 1 longer than the transition to 0 at the end of the pulse.

  • Characteristic Table
Characteristic equation of SR flip flop
  • Excitation Table:

JK Flip Flop

A JK flip-flop eliminates indeterminate state of the SR type. Inputs J and K behave like inputs S and R to set and clear the flip-flop (In JK flip-flop, the letter J is for set and the letter K is for clear).

When logic 1 inputs are applied to both J and K simultaneously, the flip-flop switches to its complement state. If Q=1, it switches to Q=0 and vice versa.

  • JK flip flop using SR flip flop
S = JQ’
R = KQ
  • JK flip flop using NAND latch
  • JK flip flop using NOR latch
Characteristic Table
Excitation Table
  • Characteristic equation for JK flip flop:

D-Flip Flop:

D flip flop is also known as Transparent latch, Delay flip flop or data flip flop. The D input goes directly into the S (J) input and the complement of the D input goes to the R (K) input.
  • The D-flipflop has only a single data input (D).
  • If D = 1, the flip-flop is switched to the set state (unless it was already set).
  • If D = 0, the flip-flop switches to the clear state.
Truth Table
Characteristic Table
Excitation Table
  • Characteristic equation for D-flop flop:
Qn + 1 = D

T-Flip Flop:

The T flip-flop is a single input version of the JK flip-flop where T is connected to both J and K inputs directly.
  • When T = 0, the flip flop enters into Hold mode, which means that the output, Q is kept the same as it was before the clock edge.
  • When T = 1, the flip flop enters into Toggle mode, which means the output Q is negated after the clock edge, compared to the value before the clock edge.
Truth Table
Characteristic Table
Excitation Table
  • Characteristic equation of T-Flip Flop:
Qn + 1 = T ⊕ Qn

  • Race Around Condition:
    • The race around condition will occur in JK flip flop when J = = 1 and tpd (FF) < tpw.
    • To avoid race around condition.
tpw < tpd (FF) < TCLK

Master Slave (MS) Flip Flop:

A master-slave flip-flop is constructed from two separate flip-flops. One circuit serves as a master and the other as a slave. Input clock is applied to master and Inverted clock applied to slave.
  • In Master Slave flip flop output is changes only when slave output is changing.
  • The master flip-flop is enabled on the positive edge of the clock pulse and the slave flip-flop is disabled by the inverter.
  • The information at the external J and K inputs is transmitted to the master flip-flop.
  • When the pulse returns to 0, the master flip-flop is disabled and the slave flip-flop is enabled. The slave flip-flop then goes to the same state as the master flip-flop.
  • Master is level triggered, and Slave is edge triggered
  • No race around condition occurs in Master Slave flip flop.
  • It stores only one bit.

Flip Flop Conversions:

The flip flop conversions are classified into different types which are:
  • SR-FF to JK-FF Conversion
  • JK-FF to SR-FF Conversion
  • SR-FF to D-FF Conversion
  • D-FF to SR-FF Conversion
  • JK-FF to T-FF Conversion
  • JK-FF to D-FF Conversion
  • D-FF to JK-FF Conversion

Procedure for Flip Flop conversion:
  1. Conversion Table: Construct the characteristic table of required flip flop (unknown) and fill available (known) flip flop excitation.
  2. Solve K map for given (known) flip flop as input and required flip flop as output.
  3. Implement the required flip flop using the known flip flop.

Example: Conversion from JK flip flop to D flip flop is shown below.
Characteristic Table


When a group of flip flop is used to store a word (group of bits) then it is called register. To store bits, flip flops are cascaded in register. If in a register, the binary information can be moved from stage to stage, this type of registers are called shift registers. According to data movement in a register, shift registers can be classified as
  1. Serial Input Serial Output (SISO)
  2. Serial Input Parallel Output (SIPO)
  3. Parallel Input Serial Output (PISO)
  4. Parallel Input Parallel Output (PIPO)

Serial Input Serial Output (SISIO)

  • In registers edge trigger circuit used to make circuit synchronous.
  • If no clock is applied then get same data which is stored.
  • In N bits SISO registers to provide N bits data, Serially in require N clock pulse and Serially out require (N-1) clock pulse.

Serial Input Parallel Output (SIPO)

  • To provide N-bit data: Serial in require N clock pulse and Serial outno clock pulse require
  • SISO can provide n × tCIK delay to the input.
  • SISO can convert serial data or temporal code to parallel or serial code.

Parallel Input Serial Output (PISO)

  • If control = 0 then it acts as parallel input;
  • If control = 1 then it acts as serial output;
  • To provide parallel input, one clock pulse is required.
  • To provide N bits serial output, it require (N-1) clock pulse.
  • PISO can convert special code to temporal code.

Parallel Input Parallel Output (PIPO)

  • In PIPO register for parallel input number of pulse required is 1 clock pulse.
  • In PIPO register for parallel output number of pulse required is 0 clock pulse.
  • PIPO register cannot be used as shift register.
  • It is used for temporal storage of data in microcontroller, DSP, CPU etc.

Summary of Registers


  • A counter is a sequential logic circuit capable of counting the number of clock pulses arriving at its clock input.
  • The sequence of count may be ascending, descending or non-sequence.
  • For a counter circuit having flip flops, Maximum possible states (N) = 2n
  • If N = 2n , the counter acts as binary counter.
  • If  N < 2 , the counter non-binary counter.
  • It counter is capable to count from 0 to 2n-1.
  • MOD number is the Number of states present in a counter is known as modulus count or MOD number.
  • For n-flip flops counter will have 2n different states then this counter is said MOD- 2n counter.

MOD-M Counter
  • MOD number indicates frequency division obtained from the last flip flops.
  • Cascaded two counters:
  • MOD-MN counter:
    • Overall states of combined counter = MN
    • Input frequency = f
    • Output frequency f = f/(MN)

Classification of Counters: Based upon the applying clock pulse, counters are classified in two categories.
  1. Synchronous counter
  2. Asynchronous counter (ripple counter)
Toggle Mode Circuit: These are frequency dividers circuit.
Other Toggle Mode Circuit
Asynchronous Counter (Ripple counter):
  • Different clock pulse is applied to different flip flops.
  • All flip flops are operating in toggle mode.
  • In asynchronous counter flip flop applied with external clock acts as LSB bit.

3-bit Ripple Up Counter
  • Input clock is applied at LSB bit.
  • It n-bit ripple counter maximum possible states are 2n.
  • Bit ripple up counter counts from 0 to 2n – 1.
  • If all states are used then with input frequency f, then output frequency will be f/2n

Calculation of Time Period of Flip Flop: In n-bit ripple counter if propagation delay of each flip flop is tpd(FF), then the time period of clock is given by
TCLK ≥ ntpd(FF)
Maximum Clock Frequency:
  • Due to propagation delays of flip flops decoding errors are present.
  • Clear and preset are known as asynchronous input to flip flop.
In any ripple counter, the following conditions will fulfill
  • Negative edge trigger and Q as clock ⇒ up counter
  • Positive edge trigger and Q as clock ⇒ up counter

3-bit Ripple Down Counter
  • Positive edge trigger and Q as clock ⇒ down counter
  • Negative edge trigger and Q as clock ⇒ down counter

Non-binary Ripple Counter: Decode counter or BCD counter is example of non-binary counter. It requires 4 flip flops.
  • Used state = 10 and unused states = 6 → (24 -10)
  • Output frequency of BCD counter = f/10
  • For making non-binary counter clear (clr) signal is used.
  • c1r is active high, and (clr)’ is active low.

Synchronous Counters

In this type of counter, there are no connections of first flip flop output to clock input of the next flip flop.

Ring Counter: It is a circular shift register with only flip flop being set at any particular time, all others are cleared. It is a shift register with feedback.
  • In ring counter, if feedback is used number of states is reduced.
  • With n flip flops maximum states = n.
  • Number of unused states in ring counter = 2n – n
  • Maximum Clock Frequency: If input frequency is fthen at the output of every flip flop we get f/N frequency. In ring counter, if propagation delay of each flip flop is tpd(FF) then
TCLK ≥ tpd(FF);
Jhonson Ring Counter: Jhonson ring counter is also called as Twisted ring counter, Switch tail counter, Creeping counter, or Mobies counter.
  • In n – bit Jhonson counter maximum used states = 2n, unused states = 2n – 2n.
  • If input clock frequency is f, then output frequency of each flip flop is f /2n and duty cycle is 50%.
  • Disadvantage of Jhonson Ring Counter: Lockout may occur. To decode each state one, two input AND or NOR gate is used.
Amrut Jagdish Gupta


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