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Top 6 Simple Tricks To Remember Math Formulas


6 Simple Tricks To Remember Math Formulas


Most kids struggle with the problem of remembering math formulas. It is often easy dealing with a single formula, but bring them all together and they wreak havoc in a kid’s brain. So, today we give you tricks to remember math formulas with a hope that they would help kids deal with the problem.

1. Create a story around the math formulas

Remember how simply you remember phone numbers, the bill amount, the groceries that you have to buy if you have forgotten the list back home? That’s how easy it is to remember the math formulas. We are capable of remembering when we use right memory techniques to remember. One of the best tricks to remember math formulas is to create a story around it. The sequence of the story is helpful to remember the order. The more unusual the story, the easier it is to remember it.

2. Learn. Practice. Repeat.

While dealing with formulas, repeat learning helps in gaining better clarity and understanding of concepts. Encourage your kids to memorize a formula by practicing its use across a large number and variety of problems. Yes, it sounds tedious, but math formulas have practical application, and this skill cannot be learned just by the parrot-regime of by-hearting.

Let kids solve the problems without looking up the formula from the textbook. Let them look up the formula once and for upcoming problems ask them to stick to recall strategy.
  • Playing math board games can also help in remembering the formulas, without looking, and solving the sums to win the game.

3. Participate those senses

There can never be just one way or method to learn something. Same is with math formulas. Help your kids to deploy various means to memorize math formulas. See to it that they involve all of their senses during the learning process. Few tricks to remember math formulas are given below:
  • Ask your kids to create formula flashcards and play it out with their friends; colors, sounds, and play help learning.
  • Make them watch videos that explain math formulas; videos create better understanding and are fun too.
  • Discuss the formulas with your kids and ask them to do the same with their teachers and friends; discussions have a deeper impact on memory.

4. Sit back & Relax

No seriously, it WORKS! A chaotic or stressed mind cannot achieve anything. If one is on a mission to memorize formulas, they cannot do so under stress. So, the foremost thing, that any expert will suggest, in order to memorize math formulas is to relax the mind. Just before your kids face the formulas, encourage them to listen to calming music, have a refreshing beverage, go for a walk in fresh air, or do anything that helps them relax their minds. Relaxing will free up their brain from the clutter of thoughts. It helps to regain focus which helps in understanding and memorizing formulas.

5. Know your math formulas

To be well-aware of the opposition is one of the most popular battle strategies. When it comes to dealing with math formulas the best approach is to know them and understand them. It is one of the best tricks to remember math formulas:
  • Suggest your kids read (not memorize) about the upcoming math formula before it is discussed in class.
  • Once discussed in class, ask them to make sense of the concept and its connection with the formula.
  • Help them analyze and understand the variables, units, and other components of the formula.
  • If any formula is derived from another, help your kids to drive it by writing it; the process of derivation is great for learning formulas.

6. Do away with distractions

Just like an uncluttered mind is necessary for learning, so is an uncluttered surrounding. When kids are trying to learn those formulas, keep all the distractions away from them. Be strict with the no-internet-no-music-no-cellphone rule. Explain them the negative impact of these distractions and the positives of turning them off. Ask them to keep their study place clean. A cleaner surrounding directly induces concentration and leads to better understanding. Too much time spent on screen is harmful, whereas, spending time with family, interacting and talking, over a board game on math and other subjects helps a lot.

It is too hard for kids to remember math formulas, so these 6 tricks to remember math formulas will surely come in handy for you as a parent. Spread the word and do share it with your fellow parents.

Amrut Gupta


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