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Daily Diet for Healthy Beautiful & Glowing Skin.


Daily Diet for Healthy 

Beautiful & Glowing Skin.

We know how desperate you can be to get a healthy, glowing and younger looking skin. You may have tried hundreds of beauty products and still couldn’t get the desired results.
Today what we have to offer is what no beauty treatment can give you. The secret of beautiful skin is not just found in beauty products but it lies in healthy diet. Taking care of your skin is just like taking care of your heart and other organs of your body. For a healthy skin, a healthy lifestyle is equally important, regular exercise, enough sleep and the healthy selection of foods all contribute to your skin health.

This is what Leslie Baumann, a dermatologist from Miami has to say, “Good nutrition is a fundamental building block of healthy skin.” The right recipe for perfect complexion and spotless skin starts with sufficient proteins, healthy fats, and skin friendly fruits and vegetables.
You may have spent hundreds of dollars on beauty products, it’s about time that you spend them on the right products i.e. good skin friendly foods.
So get ready as we are about to tell you about the foods that will make you fall in love with the skin you’re in.
Romaine Lettuce

Six leaves of romaine lettuce can provide you with more than 100% of your daily requirements of Vitamin A. How it will help your skin? It revitalizes the skin and increases the cell turnover rate. You will also find essential minerals like potassium that can give you a refreshing skin by boosting the circulation and providing it with oxygen and other essential nutrients.

Romaine lettuce comes with a health bonus. The same amount of lettuce will give you an abundant supply of vitamin K (that makes 45% of your daily value) which will support your vascular health.

Will you believe that eating red would actually save you from turning red? A research proved that taking 5 tablespoons of lycopene-enriched tomatoes for 3 months can reduce sunburns. It also prevents skin from sagging by improving collagen.
It is also a cheap remedy for getting rid of the fine lines by providing it with an abundant supply of antioxidants, revealed by German scientists.
Feed your skin with strawberries and make it firm and smooth. A cup would give you vitamin C with a daily value of 130%, which would help to boost the production of collagen.
The antioxidants known as ellagic acid found abundantly in strawberries protects against skin sagging and also provides it with elastic fibers. As a result, strawberry prevents wrinkles and fine lines to appear.


Apple protects your skin from cancer. How? The antioxidant called Quercetin found in its peel works as a shield for the skin against the ultraviolet rays of the sun and protects it from skin cancer.
Monroe, Golden Delicious, and Cortland are the best sources of this antioxidant.

Fine lines, dark spots, and skin cancer are all the problems that can be taken care of by just having an egg daily. Two of the most important antioxidants zeaxanthin and lutein are found in eggs that protect against the harmful damages of the UV rays.
Moreover, eggs help to keep skin firmer, softer and hydrated.

Leslie Baumann says, “Eating a handful of almonds every day boosts levels of vitamin E, one of the most important antioxidants for skin health”.
It is an easy remedy to cure dryness of the skin and its oil is equally important for keeping the skin moisturized. Besides giving healthy and glowing skin almonds also help to deal with obesity.


Walnuts contain an abundant amount of omega-3 fats in the form of alpha-linolenic acid, which helps to lubricate the skin layer and keeps it moist and flexible. ½ ounce of walnuts is enough to meet your daily requirements of ALA.
It has been proven that peaceful sleep would ultimately give you a healthy skin. Researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Center found that walnuts contain a hormone called melatonin that helps to regulate sleep, especially if taken at dinner time.
Whole Grains
Surprisingly pasta, cereals, and whole grain bread contain as much antioxidant as fruits and vegetables. These antioxidants are the key to youthful skin, this is what
Lisa Drayer, RD, has to say, “The levels of the body’s natural antioxidants decrease with age, so adding them to your diet becomes even more important.”
The active components such as antioxidants and zinc found in seafood are very helpful in keeping a clear, smooth and glowing skin. Oysters and salmon are the richest sources of these two components. Omega-3 helps to reduce skin aging factors such as inflammation and dryness. Zinc can give you a clear skin free from acne by regulating the production of sebum. It helps to slough off dead skin and gives your skin a natural glow.
By adding these foods to your diet to may get the desired results for your skin but in order to reap the maximum benefits take regular exercise, drink plenty of water and try to stay away from stress.
Amrut Gupta


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