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10 Ways to Achieve your Goals Simply


10 Ways to Achieve your Goals Simply

Robot, Postit, Note, To Do, Sticky Notes

They considered 10 important key actions that once taken will make you closer to the goal. They also compiled how often and well people take these action items. The key actions are pretty neat. The results are shocking:
  • Make all your dreams real by first identifying and then focusing on specific, tangible targets for what you want.
  • Maintain at least one clearly defined goal for every major interest and role in your life.
  • Set your goals so they are directly aligned with your life’s mission, purpose and passion.
  • Create goals high enough to ignite your spirit and inspire you to take action.
  • Write down all your goals in specific, measurable detail.
  • Absolutely, unconditionally commit to hitting each of your targets.
  • Share your goals with others for mutual accomplishment.
  • Set a whole series of related daily, weekly and long-term goals, complete with starting times and completion dates.
  • Take 10 minutes every day to imagine how terrific it will feel when your goals are actually realized.
  • Take an action step toward the attainment of at least one goal every day.

Checklist, To Do, Activities, Boxes
Maybe most of them do not know how to achieve their goals, or they never plan their goals. Without a way to walk closer to your goal, you will only be dreaming about the achievement. You have to be a dreamer as well as a doer to taste the achievement in reality.


Amrut Gupta


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