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7 Cool Reasons To Stay In Your Current Job


7 Coolest

Reasons To Stay In Your Current Job

  1. Seniority — Often there are perks that come with sticking with a job over time. Some of these might be monetary (salary, benefits, vacation days, etc.) but establishing you at a company also often comes with leadership opportunities. It’s much easier to build loyalty with a team when you’ve worked your way up than when you’ve been appointed from outside.                                                                                                                                                                                     Business Idea, Planning, Business Plan
  2. Stability — Worrying about where you’ll be or what you’ll be doing next year or the year after that can be very draining. It’s hard to make long-term plans when your job is uncertain. Stability can help you cope with any stresses or changes that may be happening in the rest of your life.                                                                                                Business Idea, Planning, Business Plan
  3. Competition — While unemployment is definitely down from its highs a few years ago, reports tell us that people who had “opted out” of the job market are now back in and looking for work. In addition, the old chestnut “last hired, first fired” still often holds true, so staying with a company longer can help protect your job in the event of another downturn.                                                                     Success, Steep, Top, Aircraft, Curve
  4. Networking and references — Whether your current job is your dream job or not, any job can be an excellent opportunity for networking and be earning good references that could help propel you to your dream job in the future.                                                                                                                                                                     Business Idea, Planning, Business Plan
  5. Financial stability — Every time you change jobs, you incur a financial hit if you also have to move homes and move your retirement accounts. Staying put helps you build equity and financial resources for the future.                                      Business, Risk, Luck, Chart, Arrow
  6. Dependability — Job hopping isn’t the resume killer it once was, but staying at a job for a longer period of time still signals future employers that you are dependable and reliable. Not only that, but it signals dependability to your current employer as well, which could put you in the running for better positions or projects.                                                                                                                                                     Controlled, Dependent, Certainly
  7. Perseverance — Today, it’s easier than ever to quit when the going gets tough and try something else. But sticking it out, working through challenges, and building solutions gives you the kind of grit that has been shown in studies to be a greater predictor of success than any other.
Amrut Gupta


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